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Flexi Liner Rain Cap


Rain Caps are a must have for all homes with a stove, or open fire.

They prevent rain from entering into chimneys. They also stop any downdraught coming into your home while the fire is out. Rain Caps can greatly help the draw of a fire, which means, that when the fire is lit it will help to ignite the fuel.

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A Rain Cap is an important accessory for getting the most out of your stove!

A Rain Cap has numerous uses in a modern stove. Rain Caps prevent rain entry into your chimney, this is the most basic function of the rain cap. They ensure there is no unwanted guests in yout chimney, preventing birds, animals and rodents from getting into the chimney stack. The most useful function of the Rain Cap is of course it’s ability to increase draw while preventing a downdraught. Draw is an imporant factor into how effiecient your fuel is burnt in your stove.

The installation process has been laid out by our team. We recommended installation is only done by a trained tradesman. Instructions can be found in the tab below. It is recommended that chimneys serving solid fuel appliances be swept and maintained as frequently as necessary but at least once a year. This helps to maintain a healthy burning inside your stove. Ensuring your equipment lasts longer.

Looking for other flue fitting accessories in our range? Discover the complete range by clicking here!

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Two important things to note!

  • If you are using an inside mount cowl on a tile flue, caulk it into place with silicone sealant.
  • If you are using an inside mount cowl on a metal flue, do not use the sealant.

Metal chimney flues get too hot and can damage the sealant. For a cowl that attaches to the chimney, plan the spacing of the masonry anchors before attaching the cap.

Use an anchor on each side of the chimney. Keep the anchors at least one foot apart. Slide the chimney cowl flange onto the crown of the chimney. Then straighten it using the level.

Follow all provided directions for application. If the cowl must be screwed on, hold the cowl flange tight against the masonry and drill through both at once. Sink the masonry anchor, then insert the first screw into the bracket and tighten it into place.

Drill the next hole on the same side as the first. Use the level and work around the perimeter of the chimney, tightening consecutive screws as you proceed.